Tech - Setup CI-CD in under an hour

I was always curious about the badges that some Github repositories sport. Largely, the badges are related to continuous integration and automated tests. I thought of exploring some of the cloud based tools related to engineering a piece of software. I was pleasantly surprised at the variety and ease of use of these tools. 

To start with, I needed some code to start with. I already had Java based REST API that I use for trainings on Elasticsearch. My repository is at Github. I have integrated my repository with the following tools -

Depending on the type of application and programming language, all the above tools provide documentation on integration with Github. Based on the size of the code, it takes a few minutes for build, tests, code analysis and deployment steps to be executed. The application is finally deployed to heroku. The diagram below describes the flow once a code is committed by a developer. 

I found the whole process to be easy, secure and most importantly flexible. And, thanks to these wonderful tools, my Github repo now has the badges that I aspired for!

Of course, the above tools are just one of the ways of getting things done. You may choose to use different technologies based on your use cases, strategy and preferences.

I would encourage anyone who has their code in Github to explore these tools and many more like them. Even if it's for a personal or a hobby project, these tools are fun to use and provide immense value.


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