Tech - Search 'your' web

Google has recently been in the news for their latest update to search, called 'Search plus your world'. It is about showing google plus results in the search results. After the launch of google plus, it was inevitably going to be linked in with search. 

However, on the personal search space, there has been another startup making news. It's called - greplin - 'Grep' is from the old unix command. It is a 'freemium' service and the free features are quite enough for most users. You can link all your online accounts and all the information - mails, contacts, documents, tweets, facebook posts, dropbox and so on.


  1. The centre of the page holds a search box along with a filter option.
  2. On the left, all your linked accounts and status show up.
  3. Above the search box, is the size of your personal index.
  4. There is an iphone app also available.
With each of us using many online services (facebook, linkedin, twitter, youtube, dropbox, evernote, tripadvisor, news sites or similar services), it is quite a chore to remember what information is stored where. It's like we all have our own 'personal' webs. My own experience has been that greplin is great at searching across all your sites / accounts. While the generic search engines will continue to be dominant, I think there is scope for services like greplin to grow.

I suppose, it is part of a broader trend where people can now choose - what information they want (contextual / personalised), in what form (rss / mail / tweet / podcast), choices to access it (browser / mobile / social), when they want to access it (home / away). If you use a lot of various services, feel free to try it out.


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