Movie Review - Megamind (2010)

Posted by Rajan
March 2nd, 2011

Rating: 3 out of 5

Megamind is one of the latest animated releases from Dreamworks Animation. As far animated movies go by, this is a very mature and intelligent movie. The animated movies have a come a long way from the time of Beauty & Beast, Alladin and Lion King.

The initial animated movies depended on an existing story or fable. The newer set of movies like Toy Story, Despicable Me and Incredibles have an independent plot of their own. The script and direction in these movies are as important as in the regular movies. These movies are as much for kids as they are for adults.

The story is about an orphan, Megamind (Will Ferrel) from space who lands up in a jail. The company he grows up with inevitably moves him to the wrong side of the law. On the other hand, there is another orphan, Metro Man (Brad Pitt) who lands into a rich house. As they grow up, both of them becomes arch enemies fighting over Metro City. Eventually, Megamind kills Metro Man (or he thinks so).

Now, that he doesn't have anyone to fight, Megamind is bored! He desperately tries to woo a determined reporter, Roxanne Ritchie (Tina Fey). He also creates a new superhero, Titan (Jonah Hill). But, things go wrong and his new hero Titan actually becomes the villain. The rest of the story is how Megamind actually becomes the hero and defeats Titan.

Of all the characters, be it the animation or the voice, Megamind excels. Of all the superheroes in the movies, he is the dandiest! The other character that is funny is Minion, who is Megamind's sidekick. However, being an animated movie, I expected more special effects.


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