Capture the moment

I have been using an SLR camera (Nikon F55) for the past 8 years. Alas, always in the programmed modes (like indoor, landscape etc). I tried reading books and magazines to pick up the basics of manual photography but never could. I suppose it's a bit like music, you need to learn from a teacher (I may be a geek but, no amount of computer based trainings are match for a person!)

I finally went manual after attending one day basic SLR workshop by Photography on the Move ( The class was taken by Vaibhav Mehta ( I learnt the basics of - shutter speed, aperture, depth of field, lighting and composition. You can check out my flickr photostream for my first hand at "true" photography (photos on the right).

The beauty is, once you go manual it doesn't matter what camera you are using. It is your skill as a photographer that will define the picture. The camera just becomes a tool. As they say, it's the person (not man in these politically correct times ;)) behind the machine that matters and not the machine.

Now waiting to get my hands on a digital SLR. Watch out for more pictures. I will be happy to take requests too. :)

If anyone is interested in the photography classes, visit the websites above. I would definitely recommend them.

Trust me, once you go manual, you will throw away your regular digital camera and quite rightly too! It's like why would you go for fast food when you can have gourmet. ;)


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